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Thursday, March 27, 2008 •

Stress No Good 1:00 AM

Technically, you will be converting your car to run on a mixture of gasoline and hydrogen gas that you produce with an on demand hydrogen generator installed in your engine compartment.

You can build the hydrogen generator yourself and install it in a weekend. It is inexpensive and easy to do with the right information. My daughter and I built and installed ours in one day and for less than $125.00. If a country girl like my self can do it, you can to.

Water contains three times the energy that gasoline does. The problem is getting to that energy. To separate hydrogen atoms completely from the oxygen atoms takes more energy now than it produces. However, if you can get them lose enough (a crude description of what actually happens) to be able to mix with gasoline and ignite, you can drastically increase your fuel mileage and cut your fuel bills in half.

The great thing about an on-demand hydrogen generator is you do not have to alter your car's engine or computer in any way. The system is safe because it does not store pure hydrogen on your vehicle rather it creates it on demand and burns it immediately.

It sounds impossible but one gallon of water will last about 900 miles of driving. The generator that you build in your garage will take a gallon of water and create 3800 gallons of hydrogen fuel, or what is called Brown's gas. Isn't that amazing?

This technology has been around for more than 75 years although the car and oil industry do not want you to know about it. Did you know that only 20% of the fuel you put in your tank is used for forward motion? The rest is wasted!

What's shocking about this is your vehicle is designed to ensure this happens. You waste fuel so the oil company can sell you more and the deposits left in your engine from un-burnt fuel shorten engine life ensuring you will continue to buy new vehicles.

In fact, our cars burn fuel so inefficiently, we have to install expensive catalytic convertors to burn all that unused fuel so it won't blow out our tail pipe. Yes, instead of fixing the problem which is very easy to do, the EPA just requires we cover up the evidence with catalytic convertors!

Do you want to increase your gas mileage by 50-100%? Do you want to cut your gas bills in half? Do you want to extend your car's engine life? Of course you do and it is absolutely possible, cheap, easy and safe to do!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Myla_Madson

KYS Comment:
Here's an article to KILL YOUR STRESS regarding car expenses! =D
Well, just wanna add a few things.
Not only will the attitude of car manufacturers will cost you your money, it will cost our environment as well. Imagine, a world where cars run on water rather then on fuel. Wouldn't it solve our ailing Mother Earth? I don't know whether they care about saving the Earth, but I do =)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 •

Stress No Good 7:23 AM

Self Persuasion: Begin By Beginning

By Kenrick Cleveland

I've said it before, and I'll say it many times: Persuasion is first and foremost the study of human nature. And despite the things that are understandable about human nature, we are still very intricate and complex creatures. If all things were equal, there would still be some people who excel and others who get stuck.

Are you in a holding pattern? Maybe you've felt unable to escape a complacent state in terms of your sales numbers or some other aspect of your life. The first step is to begin the process of change.

Sometimes the idea of pushing past the blockages is overwhelming in itself. Thinking so far ahead as to the end goal can be enough to exhaust. Taking things one day at a time is really valuable despite it's cliched over usage. Beginning at the beginning and taking the first step, leads to the next step and the next, and before you know it, you've made progress!

"If you could get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed." I love this quote by David Viscott. And you have the courage to begin. I know this, because you're already reading this article about changing. You've begun the internal shift from a complacent state to a new way.

My focus in persuasion has become looking to persuade our affluent clientle. I had been teaching persuasion broadly, and decided to change the way I was doing it to work with people looking to specifically persuade the affluent. After all, that's where the money is.

My feeling is that we must first persuade ourselves and understand what makes us do the things we do, and from there, we can persuade others. We're our own guinea pigs. And the positive changes this has made in the lives of my students (not to mention in my own life) are phenomenal.

Some of the ways we persuade ourselves include: mapping out our personal, business and public universes in order to learn to manifest what we want, investigating our relationships with intention to set ourselves up to get predictable results of success every single time we put our minds to it. We work on clearing out our other than conscious minds by eliminating distractions and resentments and other clutter that holds us back. We also learn how to communicate with our other than conscious to aid us in everything we do. And we use an unbelievably revolutionary technique to tap out emotional resistance in ourselves which I credit for being one of the top three triggers in the shedding of 140 pounds of extra weight I had been carrying for years.

Are you ready for change? It's simple, but not easy to do. Start by looking around at some of the other articles I've written as described above. There are definitely some excellent small steps, little acorns of potential change, in these. And if you find yourself wanting more, check out maxpersuasion.com.

About the Author: Kenrick Cleveland teaches techniques to earn the business of affluent clients using persuasion. He runs public and private seminars and offers home study courses and coaching programs in persuasion techniques.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=225010&ca=Advice

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 •

Stress No Good 6:26 AM

The Embarrassing Incident With The Volvo Keychain

By Kathy Austin

Have you ever had your car stolen? It is a gutting experience, especially when it’s your fault! Now, I can imagine you asking, how can a stolen car ever be the owners fault? In answer to that question, I shall tell you a little story.

I am a terribly forgetful person! I am forever leaving my keys in shops, the car, lying around the house. On this one particular occasion, I made the somewhat catastrophic mistake of leaving the keys in my front door when I entered my house from work. I had opened the door, carried my bags inside and slammed the door behind me, completely forgetting that I had left the keys in the lock.

The next day, I was hurrying around getting ready for work, and I did my morning checks, handbag -check, coat - check, keys - not check! I then proceeded to spend the next twenty minutes frantically searching around my house, hunting for the long-lost keys. I decided to grab the spare key, to my house and my car and ran outside, already late for work.

When I got outside, imagine my horror when I couldn’t find my car! Now, I know I’m a forgetful person, but surely even I couldn’t lose my car.

I paced my street for about ten minutes and I finally came to the conclusion that my car had been stolen. I rang in work and then proceeded to call the police and all of a sudden it dawned on me! I had left my keys in the front door. Not only my house keys, but my car keys too.

Now I can hear you asking how the thief knew that those keys were to my car. I had a Volvo key chain! I bought the key chain when I bought my car because I was so proud of my first brand new car, I wanted to show it off. I used to feel a great sense of achievement when people spotted my keys and my Volvo key chain and asked if I had that car.

Little did I know, that by having Volvo key chains attached to my keys, I would openly invite a lucky passer by to steal my car. It was so humiliating explaining the whole scenario to the Police. Explaining that not only had I left my keys in my front door over night, but I had quite openly advertised the fact that my car was the one sitting outside my house. Admittedly, it probably wouldn’t have taken the thief long to work out which car was mine, seeing as it was parked outside my house and all, but I still felt an enormous sense of stupidity.

I managed to get my poor Volvo back after a few weeks, minus my Volvo keychain, but I was glad. I now know that it is incredibly silly to have the brand of your car on the keys. It only takes an opportunist to wander by and your car will be gone, quicker than you can blink.

So, a little piece of advice to you - don’t put Volvo key chains on your keys when it sat outside your house and you decide to leave your keys in the front door!

About the Author: Kathy Austin is a writer Wholesale keychains. Check out the intricate designs of these Volvo Keychains, they are crafted in stainless steel, metal, chrome, and leather.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=203293&ca=Humor

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Welcome to KillYourStress@blogspot...where all your craziest humor greed MAY be fulfilled and your stress MAY get KILLED.

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